California Representative Darrell Issa commented on Sunday that the public does not have confidence in the Obama administration’s ability to handle the potential Ebola crisis that is beginning to rear its frightening head.
Republican Issa chairs the House Oversight and Government Reform Committee. He explained the governors from both parties are taking steps in their own states to protect themselves from Ebola in the absence of any leadership role played by the federal government. New York, New Jersey and Illinois recently imposed a 21-day quarantine on all health care workers returning to their states after treating patients with Ebola in West Africa.
Speaking on the CNN political talk show “State of the Union” Issa said that mandatory quarantines might not be the best way to deal with the issue.
“Science has told us, if we are to take them at their word, that if someone doesn’t have an elevated temperature or the other later symptoms, that we can rely on them not being contagious,” he said. “If that’s true, then immediate isolation of people for 21 days is not the answer. Again, trust matters,” explained Issa.
The forced quarantine might dissuade health care workers from venturing to West Africa to care for Ebola patients at all, thus making the situation in Africa even more dangerous. It is understood that the best way to fight Ebola and protect the rest of the world is to fight it at its source, said Anthony Fauci, director of the National Institute for Allergy and Infectious Diseases.
Issa said that the country needs Obama and his administration to take charge of the situation more proactively, and that Obama’s appointment of lawyer Ron Klain to coordinate the government response to Ebola does not inspire much confidence.
“The fact is, I’d much rather he find a four-star general or admiral to coordinate these people who have said things that didn’t turn out to be accurate, who have made mistakes and don’t want to admit them,” Issa said.