According to an exclusive report by CBS News chief investigative reporter Armen Keteyian, homeland security is now on the alert for a comprehensive terrorist attack involving the poisoning of food in restaurants and hotels in a multi-locational attack to take place all in one weekend.Confirmed by an important Intelligence source, an attack like this is considered ‘credible.’ Officials at the Department of Agriculture and the FDA, along with Homeland Security have discussed the threat with a group of corporate security personnel from the hotel and restaurant industries.The director of Homeland Security, Janet Napolitano said on December 6th that, “We operate under the premise that individuals prepared to carry out terrorist acts are in this country.”Those involved in plotting the crime are said to be connected to the identical terror group which tried to explode cargo planes above the east coast in the month of October; namely al Qaeda from either Yemen or Saudi Arabia.The plot, which was uncovered several months ago is said to involve an attack using two different types of poison, ricin and cyanide, which would be snuck into the food at salad bars and buffets.