Michael Dukakis, who ran against. and lost to George H.W. Bush in the 1988 race for president, is once again calling for the dismantling of the Electoral College in the wake of Hillary Clinton’s defeat by Donald Trump despite her having won the popular vote.
“Hillary won this election, and when the votes are all counted, by what will likely be more than a million votes. So how come she isn’t going to the White House in January? Because of an anachronistic Electoral College system which should have been abolished 150 years ago,” Dukakis wrote.
“That should be at the top of the Democratic priority list while we wait to see what a Trump administration has in store for us. So far, all we know is that dozens of lobbyists are all over the Trump transition — a strange way to drain the swamp.”
Dukakis, who was once the governor of Massachusetts, is not alone in this sentiment. Even Trump voiced his own opposition to the Electoral College in 2012. Before the vote count was completely in and it appeared that Mitt Romney was going to take the popular vote but lose the Electoral College, Trump tweeted: “The Electoral College is a disaster for a democracy.”
Hillary Clinton also called for the abolishment of the Electoral College during the recount during the presidential election of 2000:
“I believe strongly that in democracy we should respect the will of the people, and to me that means it’s time to do away with the Electoral College and move to the popular election of our president,” she said soon after she was elected to the Senate. “I hope no one is ever in doubt again about whether their vote counts.”
Dukakis lost the Electoral College and the popular vote, by 7 million, to Bush in 1988. But since that time the Democratic contender has won the popular vote in six out of the last seven presidential elections. As the votes are continuing to be counted it seems that she will have bested Trump by close to, or even more than, one million votes.