Speaking to a crowd of mostly conservative farmers, Republican Senator Ted Cruz called liberals “anti-science zealots” when it comes to the hot issues of global warming and biotechnology.
Cruz spoke at an agricultural summit in Iowa on Saturday to about one thousand right-wing activists. The event attracted several other potential Republican candidates for president in 2016.
“The radical left loves attacking people as anti-science when anyone dares question their computer models on global warming,” Cruz said at the state fairgrounds. “They scream, ‘you’re anti-science,’ when someone points out, for example, that in the last 17 years, satellite data shows there’s been no warming whatsoever.”
“The hard-core left loves ridiculing Christians who believe scripture that says God created the heaven and the earth,” Cruz went on. “They say that it’s anti-science to believe that an almighty God would do such a thing. But when it comes to biotech, suddenly these same voices become the most anti-science zealots we’ve ever seen,” Cruz added.
Cruz praised Iowa biologist Norman Borlaug
for “saving over a billion lives by starting the grain revolution.” Borlaug spent his later years in Texas, where Cruz serves as Senator.
“We need to stand up to the hysteria,” Cruz said in discussing genetically modified foods. “For families, for parents, that don’t want to feed their kids GMOs, in the private marketplace, there has grown up an abundant market. You can go and purchase organic, if you want to pay more …We shouldn’t let anti-science zealotry shut down the ability to produce low-cost, quality food for billions across the globe.”