Taking two important contests over the weekend, Mitt Romney is continuing to maintain his strong lead as the Republican choice for the nomination to run against President Obama in this year’s coming election for president of the United States.
Conservative Activists Pick Romney
The first win came on Saturday at the Conservative Political Action Committee conference during which Romney won 38 percent of the votes of the Washington Post/CPAC Presidential Straw Poll. The conference was held in Washington, DC from Thursday until Saturday. The straw poll counted 3,408 votes of activists attending the conference. The poll gave Mr. Santorum 31 percent of the vote, Newt Gingrich 15 percent, and Ron Paul came in fourth place with 12 percent.
A similar poll was also conducted nationwide, which had similar results, only the candidates were closer together with Romney getting 27 percent, Santorum 25 percent, Gingrich gaining 20 percent and Ron Paul last with only 8 percent of the votes cast nationwide.
Maine Likes Romney, Too
In addition to Romney’s good showing at CPAC, Maine also came out in favor of the former Massachusetts governor, winning 39 percent of the votes cast at the state’s caucuses on Saturday. The Texas Representative Ron Paul came in second place, garnering 36 percent of Maine’s Republican votes.
"I thank the voters of Maine for their support," Romney said after the results were announced. "I’m committed to turning around America. And I’m heartened to have the support of so many good people in this great state."
Neither contest brings any of the candidates officially closer to the election: the CPAC straw poll is essentially a popularity contest, and the Maine delegates to the Republican National Party convention will not be officially picked until May at Maine’s own Republican state convention.
Nevertheless Saturday’s good results for Romney surely lifted his spirits after his three losses last week to Rick Santorum in the Missouri primary, and the Minnesota and Colorado caucuses.