Former CIA director and retired Army General David H. Petraeus urged Congress to support President Obama and his bid to strike back at Syria

. Petraeus, who was the CIA director under Obama told Congress on Saturday that a military action against Syria was absolutely “necessary” to send a message to “Iran, North Korea and other would-be aggressors,” that the use of chemical weapons will not be tolerated.
“Failure of Congress to approve the president’s request would have serious ramifications not just in the Mideast but around the world,” Petraeus said in a four-sentence statement.
A supportive statement from such a well-respected expert on military affairs as Petraeus can help Obama get the Congressional support he needs to unilaterally strike at Syria. Some of the more reluctant Republicans whose districts are voicing overwhelming opposition to intervention in Syria could be persuaded by Petraeus’ statement.
This is the full text of the statement:
“I strongly support congressional approval of President Obama’s request for authority to undertake military action against the Syrian regime of Bashar al Assad. Such action is necessary in order to deter future use of chemical weapons in Syria and to degrade the regime’s overall military capabilities.
“Failure of Congress to approve the president’s request would have serious ramifications not just in the Mideast but around the world. Military action against the Syrian regime is, thus, necessary not just to deter future use of chemical weapons in Syria and elsewhere, but also to ensure that Iran, North Korea and other would-be aggressors never underestimate the United States’ resolve to take necessary military action when other tools prove insufficient.”