After a difficult week for Donald Trump, the latest poll shows Hillary Clinton as the front runner, leading her Republican opponent by ten percentage points.
The NBC News/Survey Monkey Poll was conducted between August 1st and August 7th nationwide.
Clinton’s lead rose by two percentage points since the week before, and up a significant nine points since the end of the Democratic Convention.
This is only one of several polls which shows Clinton taking a significant lead in the race for president. Analysts agree that Trump dug his own hole, alienating voters with his bizarre/hurtful remarks about the Gold Star parents of a fallen soldier who was a Muslim, and his initial rejection of prominent Republican politicians such as Paul Ryan, John McCain and Kelly Ayotte. Although in the end Trump finally did endorse the lawmakers, it was too late to prevent damage to his campaign.
Trump’s bad week has even effected his approval rating among groups that have been supporting him throughout his bid for the presidency. Voters without college educations, who have been strong supporters of Trump, now say they will vote for Clinton by a margin of 48 percent versus 44 percent. White evangelicals, who in the past supported Trump by as much as 60 percent versus less than 40 for Clinton, are less enthusiastic, supporting him by 49 percent.
Clinton is also making headway with male voters, another group who had been leaning towards Trump. Now Trump’s lead over Clinton with males is only by five points, compared to as much as a 16-point lead Trump held only two weeks ago. With women Clinton’s lead is soaring, with a 24-point differential between the candidates, up from a difference of only ten points last week.