Michelle Obama Coming to iCarly

First Lady Michelle Obama is soon going to make a guest appearance on the Nickelodeon hit series iCarly. First Lady Obama is doing the episode as a way to promote Joining Forces, a special government program that supports military families in need.

Episode with First Lady

The episode will center on Carly trying to figure out a way to talk to her father, and her friends breaking some rules so that she can use online chat. Michelle Obama will then come into the scene, talking to Carly about how important it is for military families to stay connected to their families who serve overseas.First Lady Michelle Obama works very hard to put military families and their needs into the spotlight. This is certainly a creative medium in which to do so – and a way that not enough of Hollywood has yet considered.

Spoiler Alert

Check out the teaser of the upcoming episode with Michelle Obama. Michelle Obama has explained that she chose to be on iCarly, specifically, because the lead character, Carly Shay played by Miranda Cosgrove, is the daughter of an Air Force colonel.

Episode Readies

The episode was filmed already and will be released, according to the network, sometime during 2012. Michelle Obama has said that she enjoys watching the show with her two daughters.

Danielle Stoneman

Danielle Stoneman got involved with Left Justified in 2010, having studied political science and journalism throughout her college career. With her fresh approach to Washington’s scene, Stoneman focuses primarily on opinion pieces, providing readers with a highly unique perspective on current affairs. Contact Danielle at info(at)leftjustified.com.

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