When Corey Singman and George D’Avanzo joined forces at Wynston Hill Capital, it wasn’t clear where the future would take them, yet if their past work together at Arjent was any indication, hard work and not over reaching seemed like a guarantee for success. A few years after moving to Wynston Hill Capital, Corey Singman and George D’Avanzo are riding high. Their company’s office in Mid-Town Manhattan breathes success. While many of the investors and hedge funds that used to exist are gone, Wynston Hill Capital is a success story mainly because it did not fall into the trap other investment firms did by not taking on more than it could.Essentially Corey Singman and George D’Avanzo represent the switch to boutique investment firms. As the big investment banks continue to flounder, these boutique firms seem to be providing stability to investors that are seeking a place “anchor their shops” during a prolonged recession.Its clear that as America’s recession continues boutique investment firms will continue to prosper and grow. The question though remains whether the bigger investment banks can learn a thing or two from investors like Corey Singman and George D’Avanzo.