A recent review of federal election records tells the story of women filling large numbers of positions in the higher echelons of the Democratic Party and getting paid for their work accordingly.
It took decades, but finally women are filling the leadership roles of the six women running for president currently. According to POLITICO, of the 53 people who are vital to the campaigns of Amy Klobuchar, Tulsi Gabbard, Kirsten Gillibrand, Kamala Harris, Elizabeth Warren and Marianne Williamson, 60%, or 31, are women. Among the three top male candidates the trend is maintained. Joe Biden, Bernie Sanders and Pete Buttigieg have 24 high-ranking staff supporting their campaigns, and 13, or 54%, are women.
Over 24 analysts, strategists and campaign advisors told POLITICO that they have seen a huge change this year in hiring and pay scales for women in a field that has historically been the domain almost exclusively of men. Women are taking their place among strategists and policy makers and helping create the messages the Democratic Party hopes to send.
Hillary Clinton’s super PAC manager for her 2016 campaign, Anne Caprara, said that women earned $10K to $20K less than men for the same job on different campaigns, and even sometimes within the same campaigns.
“On behalf of all the women who have worked on campaigns, it is about (expletive deleted) time that this has happened — and you can quote me on that,” Caprara said. “I really relish the day when this is not a story, when we’re not having these conversations of ‘are we paying men and women equal?’”
The role of campaign manager is still the preserve of men, however. Among the current crop of male and female candidates in the top three slots, none have a female running the show, with the exception of Tulsi Gabbard, whose sister is her campaign manager, but is nonsalaried.
“This is the first campaign season where we have a record number of women running for president, managing major candidates, leading the war room, supervising hundreds of field staffers and reporting on the presidential campaign,” said former Democratic National Committee Chair Donna Brazile, a campaign manager for Al Gore in 2000. “Women have not only earned their seats at the table, they have also earned the right to be compensated for the tremendous work they are doing.”