With $10 million the progressive group ACRONYM is starting an online drive to increase the numbers of young and minority voters in the South. The group hopes to impact the number of Democrats in southern states to help win more seats in the coming elections of 2020.
The program will start with registering new voters in Arizona, Texas, Georgia and Florida. The target number is 100,000 minority and young voters online using social media platforms Snapchat, Instagram and others.
“When you look at young people, when you look at people of color, they are spending a disproportionate amount of time online,” said Tatenda
Musapatike, senior director of campaigns at ACRONYM, who is leading the effort. “It’s key that we are reaching people where they are. Young people spend more time on Instagram.”
ACRONYM is also using the tactic of peer pressure to get people to vote. Using a tool called “Formation,” people will be able to look up the voter registration data of their friends, publicly available information, to motivate them to vote.
There are other organizations working to get more voters on the Democratic voting lists in the South. Democrat Andrew Gillum, who lost his bid for governor of Florida in 2018, is working to register voters in his home state. So too is Democrat Stacey Abrams, who also lost her race for governor of Georgia. Both politicians are focusing on voting rights during the 2020 elections.