On the Sunday before the birthday of Martin Luther King Junior was celebrated by the nation a senior advisor to President Obama used the pulpit at the Ebenezer Baptist Church in Atlanta to accuse Republicans in Congress of jeopardizing the jobs of the working class.
Valerie Jarret, a White House Advisor, came to the famed church, which was the pulpit of Reverend Martin Luther King Jr. on Sunday to give a political speech in support of her employer and Democratic congressmen.
Jarret informed the crowd that,
“Teachers, and firefighters, and policemen, whose jobs are now in jeopardy because Congress–well let me be specific–because the Republicans in Congress…”
at which point she was interrupted when the congregation began clapping and laughing.
Jarret also said a few good words about Obama, mentioning his non-controversial successful liquidation of Osama Bin Laden.
“We all sleep a little better at night knowing Osama Bin Laden and his lieutenants are not plotting a terrorist attack against the United States,”Jarrett said.
Then she then changed the subject to address the pull-out of troops from Iraq:
“I saw so many soldiers returning home from their last tour of duty in Iraq, in time for the Christmas holidays.”
After Jarret’s remarks and Sunday’s sermon a voter registration drive was held in the church.