Republican Senator Marco Rubio of Florida urged his supporters to back fellow Republican New Jersey Governor Chris Christie.
In an email from Rubio’s Reclaim America PAC to his supporters, Rubio said:
“Conservative leadership is hard to find these days, but the voters in New Jersey have seen it firsthand. After living through 8 years of skyrocketing taxes, rampant job loss, and the largest budget deficit per person in the country, the people of New Jersey were desperate for real leadership and a new direction. And that’s what they got in Governor Chris Christie. As Governor, Chris Christie challenged New Jersey politics as usual. And his limited government and free enterprise reforms are helping turn around one of the bluest of blue states.”
Rubio’s support for Christie arouses some interesting thoughts. For one thing both conservative leaders have been mentioned as possible candidates in the 2016 presidential elections. For another, both politicians don’t always take the straight and narrow path of their party’s positions. Christie was heavily criticized by fellow conservatives for appearing with Obama after Hurricane Sandy during the final week before the presidential elections. Critics said that appearance undermined unnecessarily Mitt Romney’s election chances.
Rubio has also been criticized by fellow Republicans for his support of and work on immigration reform legislation which recently went through the Senate committee.
The email continues:
“As Governor, Chris Christie has spent the last 3 years fighting for the conservative principles of limited government, free enterprise and liberty, in a place that isn’t exactly used to them. And now he needs our help,” states Rubio.