It turns out that Helen Thomas, the veteran White House correspondent who died at the age of 92 last June, dated John F. Kennedy, way back when.
The revelation was made by Suzanne Geha, Thomas’s niece, who emceed a 500-guest memorial service for Thomas, held at the National Press Club.
Thomas first came to Washington, DC in 1942, when she was only 22 years old and freshly graduated from Wayne State University in Detroit. In 1943 she was hired by the United Press, which later became UPI.
As a young journalist, working for UP she met the dashing, and also young, and also single, John F. Kennedy, who was then just starting out his career as a Democratic congressman from Massachusetts. Almost twenty years later Thomas covered his administration, as she did for a total of ten presidents, starting with Eisenhower and ending with Obama.
“How did it go?” one of Thomas’s friends asked her after the date.
Thomas’s reported answer was, “He was too fresh.”
Other guests also told stories about Thomas, including Judy Woodruff, Sam Donaldson, Susan Page, Jeanne Philips, (the new Dear Abby, a famous newspaper column she inherited from her mother), and Diane Ladd, actress and film producer.