Mitt Romney held a retreat in Park City Utah to say thank you to his 800 biggest supporters this past weekend. Entrance to the event cost each donor $50,000, and entitled him or her to the chance to rub shoulders with some of the GOP’s most shining stars, such as Jeb Bush, Karl Rove and Condoleeza Rice.
Included in the scheduling was a briefing from Romney officials on the plan which will lead to the defeat of President Barack this coming November, while demonstrating Romney’s organizational skills, and how the campaign is run like an efficient business. Donors can rest assured that their money is being well-spent.
The donors at this retreat are Romney’s bundlers. By asking their friends, acquaintances and family members to contribute up to the limit of $2,500, they are able to bring in a lot more than that small contributors’ upper limit.
President Obama publishes his own bundler list, but Romney’s list of bundlers is top secret information, as were the events of this retreat.
Presenters on hand to explain the finer points of Romney’s political strategies were deputy campaign manager Katie Packer Gage; senior adviser Eric Fehrnstrom; Beth Myers, who is charged with the responsibility of finding Romney’s running mate; and adviser Ron Kaufman.
Press secretary Andrea Saul, political director Rich Beeson and pollster Neil Newhouse were also in attendance at the retreat.
“It kind of exemplified how the operation works, and it was a very successful presentation,” one participant said afterward. “If there was any question as to whether this was a professional team, I think those questions were totally dispelled by the presentation.”