Buoyed by his victory in the Iowa caucuses, Peter Buttigieg is heading towards Super Tuesday with a blizzard of digital advertising.
Buttigieg has not yet built a strong infrastructure for his campaign in the seven states that all have primaries on the same day, is flying out of the starting gate with a digital ad on YouTube that cost his campaign a pretty, six-figure, penny.
Those states that will get to see the ad are Minnesota, Michigan, Maine, North Carolina, Pennsylvania, Wisconsin, and Virginia, beginning this week and airing until March 3, the big day. This advertising blitzkrieg is in addition to ads running in Nevada and South Carolina, the last of the early voting states.
The ads are will not be shown and are not aimed at voters in a large part of southern and Sunbelt states such as Alabama, Texas, and California. In this part of the country, Buttigieg will have a harder time competing with his Democratic competitors that have found an appeal with a more diversified electorate.
Super Tuesday poses another large challenge for Buttigieg: Michael Bloomberg, the former popular mayor of New York City, with essentially unlimited monetary resources, has already spent $300 million on television ads aimed at this group of states. As he continues on his campaign, his polling numbers continue to climb.
Buttigieg’s ads are sending his message not just to Democrats, but he wants to win over the support of independents and “future ex-Republicans.”
“Something is stirring in America right now. You can feel it — in the bluest counties and the reddest, in rural towns and industrial cities,” Buttigieg states while footage of the United States fills the screen and close-ups of Buttigieg meeting citizens appear. “When Washington has never felt further from our everyday lives. All standing together,” he announces.
“If you are ready to build an American future defined by unity in the face of our greatest challenges — this is our chance,” Buttigieg concludes.
In New Hampshire Buttigieg told listeners, “We may not agree on everything, but we can agree that the time has come to deliver change before it is too late.”