The ball of healthcare reform is now in the Republican court, but how to hit it back is breeding contention among Republican lawmakers.
Senator Ron Johnson, Republican from Wisconsin, complained about the long and drawn out process of getting a health care proposal moved through the senate, which elicited a response from Senator Marco Rubio of Florida, cautioning that health care legislation must not be done “behind closed doors” nor rushed to the floor for a vote.
“The Senate is not a place where you can just cook up something behind closed doors and rush it for a vote on the floor,” Rubio contended on “Face the Nation.”
Johnson is losing patience with the process, as he said, “I want to know exactly what’s in the Senate bill. It’s not a good process.”
Rubio emphasized that he has no problem with meetings that are taking place about new health-care regulations, but he is cautioning that the final version “cannot be rushed to the floor. Ultimately we’re all going to see what’s in it.”